Monday, 30 April 2012

Whizz! Bang! Science extravaganza!

Yesterday afternoon was amazing!

We had a whole afternoon (superbly organised by Bristol University) of being real scientists.  Take a look at our photos and videos and read our comments below the blog post which gives a clear picture of how well the whole event went down!

Thank you very much to the whole team - brilliant!

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Sumdog Stars

Well done to these people who are actively using Sumdog...  2 ClassDojo points to be awarded!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Y5 loves learning outdoors

Enjoy watching CaitlinM, Katy and Patrick learning about estimating and measuring with Mrs Bavinton.  

Listen to our avatars speak our thoughts!

In Year 5, we learnt how to make Voki avatars in our independent computer time by watching Mrs Cole's video instruction.  Enjoy Joshua's, LaurenM's and Levi's here...

Monday, 16 April 2012

Reflecting on our learning

We enjoy our learning.  Here's our latest highlights (which look much better using the Internet Explorer browser than Google Chrome).